St. Sampson's Centre

|| Church St. York, YO1 8BE || 01904 652247 ||

Welcome to the St Sampson’s Centre!

What’s on at the centre?

We are open Monday – Saturday 10am – 4pm. Providing hot drinks and tasty food as well as being an open community hub for all in the York City Centre. Drop in for a nice cup of tea or to join in with our fantastic range of activities. 

Weekly Events

Tea & Toast in the Annexe!

Tuesdays 10.00am – 1.00pm

Join us in the annexe for hot drinks & a toasted tea cake.

Board Games Morning

Every Monday morning in the Annexe from 10:30 – 12:30

There is a variety of different games available, including cribbage, dominoes, cards, backgammon, chess and many more! 

Games Afternoon!

Mondays & Thursdays 1:30pm

Join us for an afternoon of games including:

    • Open the Box
    • Bingo
    • Play Your Cards Right

Fantastic fun for all, cheap entry and great prizes!

Deal or No Deal

Tuesdays from 12:00pm | £1.50 tickets

Each week there will be two draws, where a ticket will be picked for the chance to play Deal or No Deal.

Top cash prize, vouchers, and more to be won!

Tickets may be sold throughout the week but you must be present on the day to play.

Monthly Events


Every first Wednesday of the month we have some visitors from Samaritans from 11:00 – 13:00 who would love to chat to you.

Live Music at St. Sampson’s

Join us for live music every month here at the centre. Acts include: 

Keith Jackson

Craig on the piano

Bryn on the guitar

To find out more and when these events take place, check out our social media!

Information Stalls!

Every month we invite local organisations and charities to the centre to provide support and advice for our customers. Organisations include Age UK and the Samaritans. To find out more, please check out social media!

Macular Society

On the third Thursday of every other month at 1:00 – 2:30pm, we will have a visit from the Macular Society to offer information and advice to anyone with a macular condition (or anyone who wishes to expand their knowledge).

Their next visit is on Thursday 20th March.

Age UK Info Stall

On the first Tuesday of every month, Age UK will be here from 11am – 1pm to offer information and advice to people. They would be more than happy to chat to you and sign post you to various support services and activity groups.

U3A Scrabble Group

Every second Thursday of the month we host the U3A scrabble group from 1:00 – 4:00 PM in the Annexe, you are welcome to join and have a game of scrabble with them!

Volunteer at the Centre!

 The centre is run by an amazing group of volunteers in kitchen, cafe & front of house! Do you have some free time in your week? Could you join our excellent team? Get in touch now! 

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Hire the Centre

A great place for your event

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History of St. Sampson's

St. Sampson’s Church dates back to when the Roman’s ruled York.

Take me back in time

What's on the menu?

Ann’s soups, a variety of home made sandwiches , award winning pies and some of the tastiest desserts & sweets in York…

View the Menu

Contact us

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